البحوث المنشورة

تإسم التدريسيعنوان البحث اسم الباحث الأولاسم الباحث الثاني اسم الباحث الثالثهل البحث منجز/قيد الانجاز؟
١غزوان عبد الكريم عبدPrevalence of depression among Iraqi dentistry students during COVID-19 returning to onsite learning: A cross-sectional studyغزوان عبد الكريم عبدعذراء عبد الرزاقسنا عبد الجبارمنجز
٢غزوان عبد الكريم عبدThe association between depressive symptoms and medication adherence among polypharmacy older adults غزوان عبد الكريم عبدرغد الياسريسجى الحسنمنجز
3سنا عبد الجبارInvestigating the Effects of Hydro-alcoholic Urtica Dioica Extract and Retinoic Acid on Follicular Development: An Animal Studyمنجز
تإسم التدريسيعنوان البحث اسم الباحث الأولاسم الباحث الثاني اسم الباحث الثالثهل البحث منجز/قيد الانجاز؟التاريخ المتوقع لانجاز البحثالتاريخ المتوقع لنشر البحث
1زهراء سعد هاتف Abo blood group and prevalence of osteoporosis in Karbala city زهراء سعد هاتف   قيد الانجاز20/06/202312/08/2023
2سنا عبد الجبار عليEvaluation of SMBG apparetuses currently used by Iraqi diabetic patientsسنا عبد الجبار علي جبرحسام حامد تسگاماسامة قيسقيد الانجاز01/05/202301/09/2023
3م م وسام محمد نعيم Effect of Cyclodextrins Inclusion Complex and Gelling Agents on the Release of Ciprofloxacin HCL from Topical Gel Formulationsوسام محمد نعيم وداد كمال عليسهاد فيصل حاتممنجز  
4اسامة قيس فاضلBody weight reduction induced by drugsاسامة قيس فاضلسنا عبد الجيار قيد الانجاز01/07/202301/09/2023
5رائد محمد مظلوم Study of stability of rosuvastatin during shelf lifeرائد محمد مظلوم   قيد الانجاز26/12/202226/12/2022
6غزوان عبد الكريم عبدEffect of the ABO blood group on the biochemical parameters and severity of nephropathy patients in Kerbalaزهراء سعد هاتفعباس عبد الرزاق عبد الحسينغزوان عبد الكريم عبدمنجز 30/01/2023
7فرح جبار علي Thermodynamics and kinetic study on Adsorption of paracetamol drug from Aqueous solution by using ginger plantفرح جبار علي  قيد الانجاز01/06/202301/07/2023
8غزوان عبد الكريم عبدPrevalence of depression among Iraqi dentistry students during COVID-19 returning to onsite learning: A cross-sectional studyغزوان عبد الكريم عبدعذراء عبد الرزاق عباس معين شهابمنجز 30/03/2023
9غزوان عبد الكريم عبدPrevalence of depression among Iraqi pharmacy students during COVID-19 returning to onsite learning: A cross-sectional studyغزوان عبد الكريم عبد عذراء عبد الرزاق  قيد الانجاز03/04/202301/08/2023
10فرح جبار عليstudy of the shelf life for the azithromicine for Five different companiesفرح جبار علي  منجز 01/03/2023
11غزوان عبد الكريم عبدpreparation of a novel peptidesequence to act as a drug delivery system to the target tumor cellsشفق كاظم صالحظافر قحطان سعيدغزوان عبد الكريم عبدمنجز 30/06/2023
12حسام حامد تسكامComparison of commercial paracetamol tabletsحسام حامد تسكاملا يوجد قيد الانجاز01/10/202301/11/2023
13حسام حامد تسكامComparison of commercial meloxicam tabletsحسام حامد تسكام لا يوجد قيد الانجاز01/08/202301/09/2023
14اوس احمد نعمهSynthesis and characterization of new triazole derivatives of suspcted antibacterial and antifungal activityد.شاكراوس احمد نعمه قيد الانجاز01/03/202315/03/2023
16  فاطمة عبد المحسن عبد الرضاsynergism activity between propolis and various antibacterial drugs aganist multidrug gram positive and gram negative bacteria isolated from upper respiratary tract (URT)اطياف علي صاحبوسن رضا حسنفاطمة عبد المحسن عبد الرضامنجز  
17أسامة قيس فاضل Percentage of BW reduction after usage of weight lowering drugs أسامة قيس فاضل سنا عبد الجبار  قيد الانجاز10/07/202310/11/2023
18احمد محمد مطلك مريهج Synthesis, Characterization of New Sulfamethoxazole Derivatives Containing β-lactam Ring and Preliminary Evaluation of their Antimicrobial Activity احمد محمد مطلك مريهج مي محمد جواد لا يوجد منجز  
19رائد محمد مظلوم Effect of storage condition on stability of rosuvastatin رائد محمد مظلوم   قيد الانجاز20/01/202320/01/2023
20م.م بتول ناصر Methotrexate therapy in systematic lupus erythematosus م.م بتول ناصر م.م ضرغام هادي  قيد الانجاز28/02/202310/05/2023
21علي احمد عبد الرضاSynthesis of crosslinked chitosan as congo red removal, experimental and DFT studyعلي احمد عبد الرضامحمود عبد الحمزةهنادي محمود خليلقيد الانجاز23/08/202321/01/2023
اسامة قيس فاضلComparative Study of Antibiotic Resistance Pattern for Gram-positive Bacteria Pre and Post-COVID-19 PandemicJournal of Communicable Diseases2022المجلد 1 الإصدار 2 الصفحات Pg. No. 49-55scopushttp://medical.advancedresearchpublications.com/index.php/Journal-CommunicableDiseases/article/view/881
ايات صاحب محمد The effect of 16 Arg/Gly β2–adrenergic receptors gene polymorphism on pulmonary function in asthmatic children treated with nebulized salbutamolBiomedical and Biotechnology Research Journal (BBRJ)20212scopushttps://scholar.google.com/scholar?hl=en&as_sdt=0%2C5&q=2021+the+effect+of+16Arg%2FGly+beta+2+adrenergic&btnG=#d=gs_qabs&t=1659885323814&u=%23p%3DW_rVivOL8hUJ
أ. م. د. حسام حامد تسكامMedication Dispensing Errors in Liquid Dosage Form in Some Iraqi  GovernoratesIJDDT2022Volume 12 Issue 2scopushttps://ijddt.com/volume12issue2/
أ. م. د. حسام حامد تسكامComparative Study of Antibiotic Resistance  Pattern for Gram-positive Bacteria Pre and  Post-COVID-19 PandemicJournal of Communicable Diseases2022Special Issue, Pg. No. 49-55.scopushttps://doi.org/10.24321/0019.5138.202208
أ. م. د. حسام حامد تسكامThe Impact of Chronic Non-communicable Diseases as a Comorbid risk  factors on COVID-19 Mortality RateHealthCare2022Volume 10, Issue 2, March 2022, 100625scopushttps://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/healthcare/vol/10/issue/2
زهراء سعد هاتف    Patient’s Satisfaction with Primary Health centers in Kerbala City/ Iraq in 2018  journal of critical reviews20207-11scopushttps://www.researchgate.net/profile/Ali-Almousawi-3/publication/343059372_Patient’s_Satisfaction_with_Primary_Health_centers_in_Kerbala_City_Iraq_in_2018/links/5f14a50d299bf1e548c3ddd9/Patients-Satisfaction-with-Primary-Health-centers-in-Kerbala-City-Iraq-in-2018.pdf
زهراء سعد هاتف2. Association between ABO blood group and Diabetes MellitusAnn trop Med Public Health 20192scopushttps://scholar.google.com/scholar?cluster=12075342683113124674&hl=en&oi=scholarr
زهراء سعد هاتفCardiotoxicity Associated Trastuzumab and Anthracyclines in Treating Breast Cancer Patients.Latin american journal of pharmacy2021S1Clarivatehttps://www.researchgate.net/profile/Basheer-Alali/publication/352028841_Cardiotoxicity_Associated_Trastuzumab_and_Anthracyclines_in_Treating_Breast_Cancer_Patients/links/60b90172a6fdcc22ead39d27/Cardiotoxicity-Associated-Trastuzumab-and-Anthracyclines-in-Treating-Breast-Cancer-Patients.pdf
زهراء سعد هاتف 3. Stability and Analgesic Efficacy Study for a Mixture of Diltiazem, Lidocaine and Diclofenac Gel Formulations in Post Hemorrhoidectomy Pain Reduction in Iraqi Patients.International journal of pharmaceutical research 20202scopushttps://www.researchgate.net/profile/Qasim-Bader/publication/344666815_Stability_and_Analgesic_Efficacy_Study_for_a_Mixture_of_Diltiazem_Lidocaine_and_Diclofenac_Gel_Formulations_in_Post_Hemorrhoidectomy_Pain_Reduction_in_Iraqi_Patients/links/5f8a7875458515b7cf85329f/Stability-and-Analgesic-Efficacy-Study-for-a-Mixture-of-Diltiazem-Lidocaine-and-Diclofenac-Gel-Formulations-in-Post-Hemorrhoidectomy-Pain-Reduction-in-Iraqi-Patients.pdf
سنا عبد الجبار علي جبرComparative Study of Antibiotic Resistance Pattern for Gram-positive Bacteria Pre and Post-COVID-19 PandemicJournal of Communicable Diseases2022special issuescopushttp://medical.advancedresearchpublications.com/index.php/Journal-CommunicableDiseases/article/view/881
سنا عبد الجبار علي جبرMedication Dispensing Errors in Liquid Dosage Form in Some Iraqi GovernoratesIJDDT2022volume 12, Issue 2scopushttp://impactfactor.org/PDF/IJDDT/12/IJDDT,Vol12,Issue2,Article35.pdf
سنا عبد الجبار علي جبرInteraction behavior between glycated human serum albumin and metformin in the presence of silver nanoparticles: a combination study of spectroscopic, calorimetric and Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society2022volume 19, Issue 9scopushttps://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s13738-022-02622-8
سنا عبد الجبار علي جبرAutophagy-related chemoradiotherapy sensitivity in non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC)Pathology – Research and Practice2022volume 233, Issue 153823scopushttps://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0344033822000668
سنا عبد الجبار علي جبرReview: Detection of Subclinical Diabetic cardiomyopathy Before Being Overt Heart FailureHeart Failure Clinics2022volume 18, Issue 1scopushttps://www.researchgate.net/profile/Sana-Ali-24/publication/359512712_Review_Detection_of_Subclinical_Diabetic_cardiomyopathy_Before_Being_Overt_Heart_Failure/links/6241f8f35e2f8c7a03456847/Review-Detection-of-Subclinical-Diabetic-cardiomyopathy-Before-Being-Overt-Heart-Failure.pdf
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شيرين محمد مكي عيسىThe Anti-Parkinson Effects of Cyanara Scoluymus (Artichoke) Extract in Rat Model of Rotenone Induced Parkinsonism.Annals of Romanian  Society and Cell Biology202125(6)scopushttps://annalsofrscb.ro/index.php/journal/article/view/5845
شيرين محمد مكي عيسىEffects of Iron Overload and Treatment Methods on Serum Levels of Zinc (Zn) and Cupper (Cu) in Beta Thalassemia Major (BTM) Patients.مجلة كلية الطب جامعة بابل20118(2)محليIraqi Academic Scientific Journals – IASJ
شيرين محمد مكي عيسىEffects of Iron Overload and Treatment Methods on Serum Levels of IgG, IgM, and IgA in Beta Thalassemia Major (BTM) Patients.مجلة كلية الطب/ جامعة بابل20118(3)محليIraqi Academic Scientific Journals – IASJ
علي احمد عبد الرضاSynthesis of New Aromatic Azo-Schiff Compound as Carbon Steel Corrosion Inhibitor in 1 M H2SO4; High Efficiency at Low ConcentrationIOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering2019571scopushttps://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/571/1/012077/meta
علي احمد عبد الرضاAdsorption of Basic Dye Using Environmental friendly adsorbentIOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering2020871scopushttps://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/871/1/012027/meta
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فرح جبار علي محمدAdsorption of metronidazole benzoate from aqueous solution using pomegranate peel: A thermodynamics studydrug invention today2019vol 11 . Issue 11. 2019scopushttps://www.researchgate.net/publication/337843885_Adsorption_of_metronidazole_benzoate_from_aqueous_solution_using_pomegranate_peel_A_thermodynamics_study
فرح جبار علي محمدStudying The Effect of Mentha Longifolia Plant Extract In Inhibition Growth of Some Bacteria and Inhibiting the Emergence Fourth Stage Larvae of Mosquitoes Aedes AegyptiIndian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology2020Vol. 14 No. 3 scopushttps://doi.org/10.37506/ijfmt.v14i3.10647
كرم اكرم محمودAssessing the possible impact of patient’s demographic data on coronavirus symptomsArchivos Venezolanos de Farmacologia y Terapeuticathis202140(8):806-810scopushttps://pesquisa.bvsalud.org/global-literature-on-novel-coronavirus-2019-ncov/resource/pt/covidwho-1590813
كرم اكرم محمودSurvey of the effects of ivy leave dry extract and bromhexine for management of cough and shortness of breath in COVID-19 infected patients.Latin American Journal of Pharmacy202140(SI):100-104scopushttps://pesquisa.bvsalud.org/global-literature-on-novel-coronavirus-2019-ncov/resource/pt/covidwho-1271136?lang=en
م.م نورهان علي حمزةReview on Engineering Erosion Processes in the Agricultural Engineering EnvironmentJournal of Environmental Engineering and Studies2021Volume-6, Issue-2https://www.researchgate.net/publication/352414665
م.م نورهان علي حمزةReview on Types and Methods of Electroplating on MetalsJournal of Power Electronics and Devices2021Volume-7, Issue-1https://www.researchgate.net/publication/350872502
م.م نورهان علي حمزةEngineering Effects of Light Pollution and Electric GlowJournal of Advances in Electrical DevicesSeptember-December, 2021Volume-6, Issue-3 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rser.2014.07.113
م.م نورهان علي حمزةThe Effect of Global Warming on Electricity Generation and Electronic DevicesJournal of Power Electronics and DevicesSeptember-December, 2021Volume-7, Issue-3 https://psycnet.apa.org/doi/10.1176/ajp.141. 9.1034
م.م نورهان علي حمزةNano-Electronic Devices and Their Electrical ApplicationsJournal of Digital Integrated Circuits in Electrical DevicesSeptember-December, 2021Volume-6, Issue-3https://doi.org/10.1097/BCR.0b013e31827e 5062
م.م. وسام محمد نعيمEffect of Cyclodextrins Inclusion Complex and Gelling Agents on the Release of Ciprofloxacin HCL from Topical Gel Formulations Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology20212021/4/20 p(7523–7543-7523–7543)scopushttps://www.annalsofrscb.ro/index.php/journal/article/download/3398/2791
م.م.هدى عبد الزهرة ناجي محمد Effect of Exposure Biochinin-A During Gestation Stage on HoxA10 Gene Expression and Histological Change in Uterus of Healthy Female RatsIndian Journal of Public Health Research and Development2019scopushttps://www.researchgate.net/publication/335236462_Effect_of_Exposure_Biochinin-A_During_Gestation_Stage_on_HoxA10_Gene_Expression_and_Histological_Change_in_Uterus_of_Healthy_Female_Rats
اسم التدريسيعنوان البحثالمجلة العلمية المنشور بهاسنة النشرالعدد والطبعةرابط البحث
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Dr Raid Mohammed al abood Investigation of functionalizing effect by PVP, PEG4000, or PEG6000on dispersability of carbon nanotube as promising drug delivery system Journal of pharmaceutical science and research2018Vol. 10(9-10), 2018, 1-10https://bijps.uobaghdad.edu.iq/index.php/bijps/article/view/797
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Dr Raid Mohammed al abood Design, Synthesis, and Biological Evaluation of Camptothecin Loaded Biotinylated Cellulose Nanowhiskers as Anticancer AgentsJournal of Contemporary Medical Sciences2021Vol. 7, No. 3, May-June 2021: 145–151http://www.jocms.org/index.php/jcms/article/view/960
Dr Raid Mohammed al abood The Effects of Low-Dose Liraglutide on Bone Mineral Density, Calcium Content and Biomechanical Strength in Rats with Glucocorticoids Induced OsteoporosisBiochemical and Cellular Archives2021Vol.21 October 2021
Review on Corrosion and Rust Inhibition of Machines in Chemical Engineering FieldInternational Journal of Thermodynamics and Chemical Kinetics2019Vol. 5: Issue 1
Review on Chemical-Biological Applications of Thiazole DerivativesForefront Journal of Engineering &Technology2020Vol. 2: Issue 3
Synthesis, Identification, Physical Properties, Studying of Liquid Crystalline Behavior of New Benzothiazole DerivativesJournal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences2017Vol 10 Issue 3
Review on Types and Methods of Electroplating on MetalsJournal of  Power Electronics and Devices2021Vol-7, Issue-1
Review on Engineering Erosion Processes in the Agricultural Engineering EnvironmentJournal of Environmental Engineering and Studies2021Vol-6, Issue-2
Dr. Sana Abdul-JabbarAssessment of circulating PPAR-γ Level as a risk and diagnostic biomarker in Acute Coronary SyndromeJournal of University of Babylon for Pure and Applied Sciences2018Vol. 26, Issue 7https://scholar.google.com/citations?view_op=view_citation&hl=en&user=pQMO8swAAAAJ&citation_for_view=pQMO8swAAAAJ:u-x6o8ySG0sC
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Stability and Analgesic Efficacy Study for a Mixture of Diltiazem, Lidocaine and Diclofenac Gel Formulations in Post Hemorrhoidectomy Pain Reduction in Iraqi PatientsInternational Journal of Pharmaceutical Research2020Jul – Dec 2020 | Vol 12 | Supplementary Issue 2
Cardiotoxicity Associated Trastuzumab and Anthracyclines in Treating Breast Cancer PatientsLatin American Journal of Pharmacy202140 (special issue): 135-40 (April 2021)
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Farah Jabbar Ali Assessement of the Ofloxacin (Novecin) Adsorption from aqueous solutions by Two Agricultural WastesInternational Journal of Advanced Scientific and Technical Research2014Issue 4 volume 2 ISSN 2249-9954https://rspublication.com/ijst/2014/april14/85.pdf
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Farah Jabbar Ali Studying the effect of Mentha longifolia plant extract in inhibition growth of some bacteria and inhibiting the emergence fourth stage larvae of Mosquitoes Aedes aegyptiForensic Medicine and Toxicology2020Vol 14, No:3  https://medicopublication.com/index.php/ijfmt/article/view/10647
Farah Jabbar Ali Usabllity study of spent black tea leaves and pomegranate peel in adsorption of tetracycline hydrochloride antibioticInternational Journal of current Research2013Issue 09 volume 5
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Farah Jabbar Ali Determination of Kinetic Thermodynamics and equilibrium parameters of ciprofloxacine adsorption adsorption from aqueous solutions on to wastes of of spent black tea leaves and pomegranate peelInternational Journal of Advanced Scientific and Technical Research2014Issue 4 volume 2
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Farah Jabbar Ali Equilibrium, thermodynamics and kinetics study of doxycycline adsorption from aqueous solution using spent black tea leaves and pomegranate peel wastesInternational Journal of Development Research2014Vol. 4, Issue, 1,            pp. 129-135         https://www.researchgate.net/publication/332511520_Full_Length_Research_Article_EQUILIBRIUM_THERMODYNAMICS_AND_KINETICS_STUDY_OF_DOXYCYCLINE_ADSORPTION_FROM_AQUEOUS_SOLUTION_USING_SPENT_BLACK_TEA_LEAVES_AND_POMEGRANATE_PEEL_WASTESاسم التدريسي
Noralhuda M A.AlhusseinSynthesis of some new 1,5-disubstituted tetrazoles from 2-aminobenzothiazoleConference: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF NUMERICAL ANALYSIS AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS ICNAAM 20192020AIP Conference Proceedings 2290(1):030033DOI:  10.1063/5.0027663
Noralhuda M A.AlhusseinSynthesis and preliminary antibacterial activities of novel benzothiazolesConference: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF NUMERICAL ANALYSIS AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS ICNAAM 20192020AIP Conference Proceedings 2290(1):030035DOI: 10.1063/5.0027666
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Dr.Ashwaq hussein The Prevalence of Helicobacter Pylori among Iraqi patients in Babylon provinceSys Rev Pharm202011(12):1610-1612file:///C:/Users/a/Downloads/Telegram%20Desktop/196-1603287327%20(2).pdfاسم التدريسي
Atyaf Ali SahibStudying Some Factors Affecting in GingivitisJournal of University of Kerbala 2018Vol: 16 (No:1)https://www.researchgate.net/publication/332446891_Studying_Some_Factors_affecting_in_Gingivitis_1
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